I've got a friend who is currently running an i5-3450 rig for his home business machine. He's in web-based marketing/consultation, so he's constantly running 20+ chrome tabs, multiple windows explorer panes and other applications (photoshop, etc) for his business; serious multitasking. He's been running into 100% CPU usage situations, where pages/applications are loading slow. For his line of work in particular, time is money, so this is an issue.
Background out of the way, here's the question: would an i7/Xeon (think: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117286) run the above scenario substantially better than his current i5-3450? Are there benchmarks for that kind of thing?
How does Windows utilize hyper-threading in those situations? I'm assuming Windows would see 8 cores and use them as such, but he'd like some solid proof that the upgrade is worth the money and that he'll see a big jump in performance.
Couple things to clear up:
- he's running 16GB of RAM, not the problem
- wicked fast internet speeds
- SSD user
- he's a techie, and doesn't have bloatware/extra processes or anything running background
- Xeon would work fine, he uses a discrete graphics card and isn't overclocking, no worries there
Thanks all, would appreciate any knowledgeable replies!
Background out of the way, here's the question: would an i7/Xeon (think: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117286) run the above scenario substantially better than his current i5-3450? Are there benchmarks for that kind of thing?
How does Windows utilize hyper-threading in those situations? I'm assuming Windows would see 8 cores and use them as such, but he'd like some solid proof that the upgrade is worth the money and that he'll see a big jump in performance.
Couple things to clear up:
- he's running 16GB of RAM, not the problem
- wicked fast internet speeds
- SSD user
- he's a techie, and doesn't have bloatware/extra processes or anything running background
- Xeon would work fine, he uses a discrete graphics card and isn't overclocking, no worries there
Thanks all, would appreciate any knowledgeable replies!