what are the benefits of having a PC?


Feb 22, 2013
Hello everyone!
I am close to buying my first PC but now im wondering what are the benefits of having a PC over the next generation of consoles?
this is the PC that i can manage to buy:
Mobo:Gigabyte GA-990FXA
RAM:Corsair vengeance 8Gb (2x4GB)
GPU:Radeon HD 7870
PSU:Corsair TX 650W
HDD:western digital blue 1tb
Case:NZXT 210 with window
And so i doubt this PC will be more powerfull.....
And on top of that in my country this PC will cost more than the PS4 for example.
So i want to hear what you guys think?
Thanks in advance!
Is choosing between wide use and narrow use system preferred?

Consoles are used only as entertainment devices, nor they aim to do otherwise. Playing games, watching movies and light internet browsing would be perfect for entertainment system at home. On top of that no complicated software needed to be used as console is usually very easy to use and navigate.

PCs have very long history of development and use. Computing device literally is meant for work. And work being installation and usage of various programs that run on PC. Since work is varied from engineering to entertainment, PCs would have different requirements for each particular task. Bigger memory would be needed to load large files, or fast CPU would be required to perform...

You can't write resume or a love letter on a console.

Modding games, incremental upgrades/customization, and solitaire. Also, the Windows calculator app is very useful.
Your profile doesn't mention age. It's hard to imagine someone unexposed to computers. If you think all you want to do is play games then buy a console. If that's what you do you will be missing out on the most mind expanding experience imaginable. There are far too many benefits to even begin to list.
Is choosing between wide use and narrow use system preferred?

Consoles are used only as entertainment devices, nor they aim to do otherwise. Playing games, watching movies and light internet browsing would be perfect for entertainment system at home. On top of that no complicated software needed to be used as console is usually very easy to use and navigate.

PCs have very long history of development and use. Computing device literally is meant for work. And work being installation and usage of various programs that run on PC. Since work is varied from engineering to entertainment, PCs would have different requirements for each particular task. Bigger memory would be needed to load large files, or fast CPU would be required to perform computations in timely manner, or GPU card would enable rendering visual aspect of games on such computer. Most importantly, is operating system what makes a difference from console, since operating system is responsible for running multiple programs at the same time.

Usually, console is considered as an addition to entertainment system at home. PCs on other hand are considered multi-tasking tools, not necessarily fit for entertainment. There is specific line of PCs that are referred for home entertainment use as "HTPC", and peforming simple routines such as watching movies and playing audio files.

Considering consoles and current state of PC usage, you might want to ask yourself if you are able to check email on console, maybe fill out job application online, or order specific item you're fond of at online store.

Well i dont use this site for help i use TekSyndicate because i like it better than here.I was using this temporarily to ask only a few questions that the people from the other site answered poorly.Also if you want to know im 15 and i am all aware of PC hardware i have taken some interest into finding out what a PC is made of si that i kan make a right choice of putting up parts together that i can afford.And if you are wondering i will buy a PC insted because i really want to play games now but in the future i will use it as a working station too.That is the only thing that will make me prefer PC over console!