What are the best native games on Ubuntu?

First. New to the forum. Gentoo has been my primary OS for...13 years or so. Joined here because I've just rebuilt my system for the first time in 5 or 6 years, and no one on any of the Linux forms gets excited about hardware. On to the question.

All the Quake/IDtech games prior to Rage will run natively using OpenGL. Some of the Unreal Engine games. I'm currently playing Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light natively, both purchased through Steam (on sale). Bioshock Infinite runs nicely in some sort of wrapper (also through Steam). You need a bit of hardware to run this well, but if you've got some iron, it'll run. There's a bunch of free FPS projects based on either Quake/IDtech or Unreal engines that run well, but are all basically tired...
First. New to the forum. Gentoo has been my primary OS for...13 years or so. Joined here because I've just rebuilt my system for the first time in 5 or 6 years, and no one on any of the Linux forms gets excited about hardware. On to the question.

All the Quake/IDtech games prior to Rage will run natively using OpenGL. Some of the Unreal Engine games. I'm currently playing Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light natively, both purchased through Steam (on sale). Bioshock Infinite runs nicely in some sort of wrapper (also through Steam). You need a bit of hardware to run this well, but if you've got some iron, it'll run. There's a bunch of free FPS projects based on either Quake/IDtech or Unreal engines that run well, but are all basically tired rehases of Quake III Arena or Unreal Tourney, but with no one playing.
Cost money:
Minecraft - 'nuff said. I'll assume you know about this one. 😛
Don't Starve - Awesome survival/crafting game with a neat art style
Dungeons of Dredmor - Fun roguelike with a cute sense of humor and an approachable interface!
Rogue Legacy - Roguelike metroidvania in which instead of collecting loot along the way and dying horribly and having to completely start over, you collect money and unlocks, and your character's descendants get to use them!
Bastion - Really neat isometric ARPG with great atmosphere.
Awesomenauts - Approachable 2D platforming action-packed MOBA (DOTA-like) game with a community that won't generally treat you like garbage if you're not super-pro at it.
Space Pirates and Zombies - 2D space exploration/combat/etc. game in which you go around blowing stuff up and building up your fleet, lots of fun, procedural generation, and tons of replayability.
FTL: Faster than Light - Starship roguelike! You control a ship with a crew, systems, etc. with everything cool you'd hope for from such a game, like being able to re-route power on the fly, send out boarding parties, use unique and fun weapons, and most importantly, die frequently in often hilarious ways!
Lots of games by Valve! Portal, the entire (main) Half-Life series, Left 4 Dead 2, DOTA 2, Natural Selection 2, and more on the way!