I am building my first computer and wanted to know what are some good non-console games that I should purchase. My computer will be strong little bastard so any of the most recent games will do as well. I appreciate the help.
It's all relative. What I think is a good game may be crap to you. The best thing you can do is look at game reviews for games that sound fun, and maybe see if there are demos you can try before buying.
May I add Metro 2033 (and Metro Last Light in a week). IMO one of the most, if not the most underrated game of all time. One of my favorite PC gaming experiences.
Also Battlefield 3 is great if you are into online fps.
I am building my first computer and wanted to know what are some good non-console games that I should purchase. My computer will be strong little bastard so any of the most recent games will do as well. I appreciate the help.
Fary cry 3, metro 2033 & last light, all crysis parts, skyrim, starcraft 2, all bioshock parts, tomb raider, deus ex, sleeping dogs, sniper ghost warrior 2(based on cryengine3), just cause 2