What are the best (PC only) games?


Apr 24, 2013
I am building my first computer and wanted to know what are some good non-console games that I should purchase. My computer will be strong little bastard so any of the most recent games will do as well. I appreciate the help.
Are you asking about games exclusive only to the PC?


The best PC exclusive games currently out? Not many since most games are released for multiple platform. But here it goes...

Crysis: Warhead
Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl
Stalker: Clear Sky
Stalker: Call of Pripyat

Ohh... there's also that new shiny turd of a game called SimCity 5 that is PC exclusive as well...
May I add Metro 2033 (and Metro Last Light in a week). IMO one of the most, if not the most underrated game of all time. One of my favorite PC gaming experiences.
Also Battlefield 3 is great if you are into online fps.

Hi everyone! Tom's Guide actually just did an article on 7 great PC-only games:

What do you think of our picks?