What are the differences between a normal bios and an uefi bios?


Apr 19, 2016
I want to by a new gpu but I have heard that new gpus only support uefi bios and my mobo has a legacy one. I would really like to buy a gtx 950 (since I am on a low budget) but unfortunately I may have to buy the Sapphire radeon r7 360 because it has a dual bios. After a long research I have found that a vga bios exists. Maybe my motherboard supports uefi vga bios or something?
It is a gigabyte GA-880GM-D2H (I know, it's old)
Right now I have ati radeon integrated graphics HD 4250.
be careful nvidia card have issues on older mobos. first check to see if their was a bios update that gives you uefi compatibility. if not dont risk it. sapphire cards have a dual bios most of the time so they are a pretty safe bet.

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