What are the differences in VPNs?


Dec 6, 2013
Can someone explain to me the different types of VPN? I know what the 4 types are I just don't understand how they work or which one's best. Can someone explain to me in layman terms please? Thanks in advance.
i am not a master with VPN,s but for privacy and ease of use i use openVPN which i read is simplest to use but others give either more privacy ( harder to track what you are viewing/downloading ) or faster speed.

open vpn usually has simple settings or a GUI which requires a user name, password and VPN credential certificate ( usually provided separate on the same site ) from the VPN provider.

to answer better what do you want a vpn for? downloads privacy or security?

Privacy. I also have only 3 to choose from, L2TP, PPTP, and IPSec.