What are the requirements to use the new GTX 1080?


Apr 15, 2016
What are the requirements for a computer to run the new GTX 1080? I have essentially the most up-to-date parts, but I am just curious. The computer which the 1080 will go into is currently not assembled, so I cannot send you all of its specs, so I'll give you the essentials

16Gigs of DDR4 RAM
CPU: Intel Core BX80646I74790K i7-4790K Processor
OS: Windows 7 (Don't think you needed to know that, though)
Motherboard: Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel Z170 ATX Motherboard ATX DDR4 NA Motherboards (GA-Z170X-GAMING 5)
The 1080 would be fine even if you were just running an i5 4460 and 8GB of RAM. The rule of thumb is that if the card isn't in the 700$+ tier, then it doesn't need anything more than the best bang-for-the-buck i5. Will you benefit from having an unlocked i7 (if you overclock it) though? Hell yes.
The 1080 would be fine even if you were just running an i5 4460 and 8GB of RAM. The rule of thumb is that if the card isn't in the 700$+ tier, then it doesn't need anything more than the best bang-for-the-buck i5. Will you benefit from having an unlocked i7 (if you overclock it) though? Hell yes.