What are the timings for 1866 ram


Feb 21, 2013
Ok I have some crucial 1.35V 1600 8-8-8-24, I have a APU and APU's lovee high frequency ram so I want to OC mine to 1866 but in the bios I set my ream to 18669 it will not boot and my LED debug displays "10". My rig will not even POST but I set the first 4 to 9-9-9-27 and put it 1866 and no boot, under timings there are like 15 different options to set can anyone please help me out I have been trying for a few days.

My motherboard- Asrock FM2A75 Pro 4
My Ram - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148654&Tpk=crucial%201600&IsVirtualParent=1
DDR3 is much more hard to overclock than DDR2, you'll need maybe a 10-11 cas latency, 1.65V and to manually set all sub timings (at least 15-20+ of thoses ones)

I suggest you just get a real 1866 or better ram kit, that will ensure working speed and compatibility...

(It takes me 1 enitre week at 4-6hours a day to tune my ram to get it to work fine at 2240mhz CL10, you'll need more voltage on the memory controller, more on the ram and long pass of memtest to correctly set all timings 1 at the time, retest, change the nect, retest and retest to the best stable timing, then next timing the same...)
Ok thank I will do that but if I change any timings it will bot boot so kinda what im asking for are those little sub timings, I think

Generally your ram only runs at about half of the listed speed and the speed listed on the chip is the maximum safe speed. So you can't go above it or it may not work. Also for timing the lower is better as it has to do with latency.

I have never actually OC ram so i may be talking out of my butt, but it seems like the ram you have either can't handle it and you need better chips or you are adjusting the wrong settings. Try looking up some suggested settings for that particular ram.
If you want to overclock it, please refer me the model number and the brand of your ram, or check it yourself on google, type your model number and overclock after, you'll surely find someone that have OC that specific ram and you'll have an idea of what timing and voltage to set...
I have looked all over and can not find any, that's why I came here to see if you guys knew

I can't find anyone you can tell me the timings and sub timings but here is my ram and dude if you could get me a successful OC to 1866, that would be awesome I have been trying for days but here is the ram.


This overclock is done on an intel base platform with XMP ready hardware... On an AMD platform, i don't know if you have XMP, if yes set it to the 1st profile and then set 1866 CL9 and 1.5V should do it 9then reduce the voltage to the point where it's not longer stable...)
Ok I have done so and I t will not boot at 1.5v or just at 1866, but If I just leave it at the XMP profile it will not but if I add the 1.5 and 1866 it will not boot as for timings It shows 5 things for timings?????
It's obviously set at 7-8-8-8-24 2T then there is like 6 more to set after that?? I just put 9-9-9-9-27 2T and no boot. Should I not be setting the first unknown number to 9 as well and what are the extra 5 timings. I will list all the timings options and see if you can tell me each one :).

Thanks for helping me so far
CAS# Write Latency (tCWL) ---- 8
CAS# Latency (tCL) ---- 8
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) ---- 8
Row Precharge Time (tRP) ---- 8
RAS# Active Time (tRAS) ---- 24
Command Rate (CR) ---- 2T
RAS# Cycle Time (tRC) ---- 36
Write Recovery Time (tWR) ---- 12
Refresh Cycle Time (tPFC) ---- 160
RAS to RAS Delay (tRRD) ---- 5
Write to Read Display (tWTR) ---- 6
Read to Precharge (tRTP) ---- 6
Four Activate Window (tFAW) ---- 24
Power Down Enable ---- Disbale
Bank Interleaving ---- Auto
Channel Interleaving ---- Auto

Well that took a while but other than that I can set between the frequencies, which I will set at 1866.
If anybody can tell me what to set those at that would be GREAT.