what bottlenecks my Rx 460 on GTA V?


Mar 15, 2017
Gta V is not smooth on my pc with rx 460 even when cpu and ram usage are 50-70% and vram usage 1700-1850 mb. I play the game on high settings, it is playable but i expected more because i had seen some youtube videos and all looked nice and smooth on this card.
Note that i can play witcher 3 much smoother, seems it is better optimized than gta V.

my pc has the following specs:

Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20GHz
6.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3


Gigabyte RX 460 WF2 OC-2Gb 2 GB GDDR5 Memory

So something bottlenecks my gpu, maybe it is my HDD or even ram?

CPU bottlenecking does not require CPU usage to be at 100% - if the GPU usage is NOT at 95-100%, then it is considered to be CPU bottlenecking(not a technical definition, but it's kinda a rule of thumb).

My guess is the same - your CPU is bottlenecking the GPU. Download and run MSI Afterburner if you haven't already, and check GPU usage while playing - if it is lower than around 95%, then the CPU is bottlenecking the GPU, and you need a...
I second @ vrumor. Is your CPU overclock ? If not that CPU isn't very powerful at least for a game such as GTA V. Also, it is a 8GB Requirement for the game. You have 6.

Edit* try getting more RAM I see posts with people stating 8+ made a big difference.

It doesnt matter i only use 4500 mb of ram to play this game on high settings, i have 6.

CPU bottlenecking does not require CPU usage to be at 100% - if the GPU usage is NOT at 95-100%, then it is considered to be CPU bottlenecking(not a technical definition, but it's kinda a rule of thumb).

My guess is the same - your CPU is bottlenecking the GPU. Download and run MSI Afterburner if you haven't already, and check GPU usage while playing - if it is lower than around 95%, then the CPU is bottlenecking the GPU, and you need a better CPU for better FPS.

yes i think you are right, at witcher 3 my gpu usageis like 98-100% all time and i play this game smoothly. On Gta v though, my graphics card usage is not stable, it goes up and down from 10% to 60% then 100 and again down. Though cpu usage is higher than in witcher 3.

The GPU usage bouncing around is characteristic when an AMD GPU is being bottlenecked. You'll need a better CPU for better FPS.

Well if i upgrade to an i7 880, you think bottlenecking will stop? Couldn't it be an HDD or RAM problem?

Upgrading your CPU would make a huge difference since it's holding your card back, but dependent on your budget a RAM upgrade would be advisable to at least a minimum of 8gb. HDD will have nothing to do with it.
An i7 would help, but try to get one with a higher clock speed, i.e., something newer. An i7 2600K is good, though even an i7 will fall short soon. I'd recommend saving up right now, and switching to Ryzen once you can afford it. An i7 would increase FPS, but the 8 threads will again become a limitation in some time - if you will be upgrading within an year or two, then an i7 is fine, but if switching to i7 is your idea of a long-term solution, then it's better you save up for Ryzen.

As for RAM, 8 GB would do you wonders, if you can afford it. It may not increase the FPS too much, but your experience will improve overall. So, if you can afford it, definitely upgrade to 8.

As for HDD, you can keep that - those usually aren't a limiting factor. Get an SSD if you can, that'll make everything feel faster as well(not in games, but in general usage).

I am upgrading soon to a xeon x3470. You think it will make a difference? Also I play gta v with ram usage ~ 5 gigs, why would i need more?
As for that processor, the clock speed wouldn't exactly be great for gaming. A Xeon isn't really for gaming, even an i7 870 performs at that level. It's better you switch to a more current platform, like the LGA 1151 socket/ Z270 motherboards, or of course the AM4 platform. Either would allow you to have current-gen hardware and features. Also, you'll get better clock speeds, which will help in eliminating CPU bottlenecking. Don't buy a Xeon, they really aren't for gaming.

You should get 8 GB because GTA V even has a minimum requirement of 8 GB, and also 5 gigs is something you will see only when you start the game - as you progress and move around the map, RAM usages will keep increasing and will often cross 6 GB when more is available. Also, in case you're running something in the background, then that'll use up RAM as well. 8 gigs is really the minimum for gaming nowadays, and for good reason - because anything below that can start limiting performance. Also, you're only using 5 gigs because the system doesn't allocate more than that since you have 6 gigs only. System will keep some of it reserved, so you'll hardly ever see the usage hit a full 6 GB.
Xeon x3470 is not that bad for gaming, it is equal to the i7 870. Check those CPUs at userbenchmark. By changing motherboard i would need a lot of money, new mb, new ram, mb new psu and that wouldn't be worth, better buy new pc instead of upgrading an old potato. I have already spent at around 200 euros for new gpu, cpu and hdd