So I was thinking about a THERMALTAKE Litepower RGB, 650W, 120mm, Active PFC, LTP-0650NHSANE-1 but some friends told me to get a 750W one, isn’t that a bit of overkill?
Thank you, I’m gonna look one up right now.Hey there,
750w is the min for that GPU. You don't want to skimp out either. Get yourself a good Corsair RMx/Rmi/Rme 750w and be done with it.
Budget and PSU, should not go together in the same sentence!
That's a horrible PSU. Very low quality, group regulated, terrible voltage regulation and bad protections. For a RTX 3070 you need a decent PSU. Look at this Litepower RGB, 650W, 120mm, Active PFC, LTP-0650NHSANE-1