[SOLVED] What build should I keep?


Oct 11, 2017
I currently have a
Ryzen 3600
MSI Edge x570 wifi
Saphire RX580

I recently viewed user benchmark website and it said i5 9600kf was in their 17th position in terms of speed not price ect. They also have my 3600 at 77th place so I assumed the intel was alot faster for games and desktop as I don't do video editing ect. But as I read reviews online and your forum I notice its not that much faster in games and quite a bit slower in business applications so the extra speed I was supposed to get doesn't seem to justify sacrificing the other abilities of the 3600. Are they right that it is that much faster in games and desktop or is my reading more the truth that there is only a slight difference. I ordered as follows the I5 9600kf and MSI MAG Z390 Tomahawk . the RX 580 will remain as main GPU. Would it be better to keep the intel or AMD? Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
No 2060 super is similar to 2070 i just bought 2070 when the rtx cards released there was no 2060 or 2060 super. Rtx atm is in 10-15 games from them i own 2 and i never turn it on when i play em dunno if u check both screenshots there is 38 fps difference with rtx on . Ryzen 5 3600 is better all around cpu than i5 9600kf. The i5 9600kf wil get u better gaming perfomance only if u run only the game and nothing else in the background. If u gaming and have other applications open then u will get better results from the 6 cores/12 threads of 3600 than the 6 cores/6 threads of 9600kf. Also the 3600 is more future proof for 2 reasons u own a x570 mobo and u can go to 4000 series if u need better cpu and since the new gen cpu push for more...
There is no need to swap to another CPU, especially with your video card, your card will be a bottleneck to either CPU, even slower ones. Now if you did not have a system and did not care about any price difference and had a high end GPU , then there could be a different story.

What you should do is get a faster video card if you are using the system for gaming vs swapping a CPU from an already good one.

Your motherboard is very much overkill aside from your CPU question, money should have gone towards a video card, for a gaming system an almost $300 motherboard used with a RX 580 does not make sense. If you are going to be returning things, exchange the price points of the motherboard with the video card, spend about $100 on the motherboard and add the 100-200 to the video card.
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It's true that i5 9600kf is a little faster gaming cpu and can become faster if u OC. But ryzen 3600 is a beast cpu price performance wise. Stick with 3600 if u want to upgrade u either go for a better gpu as hang-the-9 said or u w8 for ryzen 4000 series since u already own the mobo. Also i assume that u are at 1080p if u are at 1440p u become more gpu bound and the small gap (3-10 fps depending the tittle) between the 2 cpu become even smaller or non existent making the 3600 a more better choice.
Actually to clarify I needed to add a computer in the house and one is going to my fiance's son. I have already bought the parts and they are being shipped to me now. on the 3600 I bought the x570 motherboard with intention to get a better graphics card. So that being said I am assuming getting a gtx 2060 super I would be better with the 9600kf from the answer (Now if you did not have a system and did not care about any price difference and had a high end GPU , then there could be a different story.) If I took that wrong let me know but as of now I will stick with the 9600kf as I do plan on getting the new graphics card soon. Thanks for the quick response guys.
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2 options 1) u w8 for new gen gpus 2) u get 2060 super or rx 5700xt depending the price i am from greece and the 5700xt has same or lower price than 2060 super and according to ppl the new amd drivers is more stable and gave better performance here is a Link if u want to check.
I did notice that when I was looking at reviews earlier I was told the ray tracing was a huge difference which is why I chose the 2060. So that being said if the ray tracing is worth it I can wait for the new gen ones but if not than I can choose the 5700. What is your opinion on that please. Thanks for our time buddy.
I own rtx 2070 i have never turn rtx on. The tittles is 10 - 15 (yes i include cyberpunk2077) battlefield 5 use it for reflections, Shadow of the tomb raider for shadows, Metro exodus use it for global illumination,Control use it for reflections, transparent reflections, indirect diffuse lighting, contact shadows, and debris. The only promising is the dlss 2.0 here is a LIST of games. But rtx on cost performance and 2060 super is the 2nd entry card to this world my 2070 is the 3rd. Actions speak more that words View: https://imgur.com/a/Z3oE4ou
also what is ur resolution ?

View: https://imgur.com/a/Z3oE4ou
My resolution right now is 1920 * 1080 not sure if the racing sims I like are going to require more eventually. I'd like to do 4k on those if I can. My question is with the new higher end card am I better off with my ryzen 3600 or I5 9600kf? I have both but not sure which one to keep. Also from what I understand you are saying the ray tracing is not utilized that much right now and is not really worth the extra frames per second loss? Also get a 2070 instead of the 2060 super? Sorry I am not familiar with this new technology.
No 2060 super is similar to 2070 i just bought 2070 when the rtx cards released there was no 2060 or 2060 super. Rtx atm is in 10-15 games from them i own 2 and i never turn it on when i play em dunno if u check both screenshots there is 38 fps difference with rtx on . Ryzen 5 3600 is better all around cpu than i5 9600kf. The i5 9600kf wil get u better gaming perfomance only if u run only the game and nothing else in the background. If u gaming and have other applications open then u will get better results from the 6 cores/12 threads of 3600 than the 6 cores/6 threads of 9600kf. Also the 3600 is more future proof for 2 reasons u own a x570 mobo and u can go to 4000 series if u need better cpu and since the new gen cpu push for more cores/threads and new gen consoles game developers will start utilize them at some point. It sucks to have a new gaming pc and u open discord and lose fps. As for gpu go either 2060 super or rx 5700xt depending the budget if i was in ur shoes i ll keep the 3600 and the rx580 and w8 for new gen gpus even if u dont buy a new gen gpu they will affect the prices of the older models.
Ok that made it very clear. That all sounds like great advice. I did not know if I run other apps it will drop performance. Maybe I'll try to return the intel cpu. Waiting for the new GPU is a good idea since your right the price will drop on older gen and the rx 580 is doing fine atm. Thank you very much for clearing that up. I will go that route.
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I have a Ryzen 7 3700X mated to an X570 motherboard. The 3700X is a really good CPU. I am looking to purchase an 8GB GPU in the next 6 months. The RTX 2070 Super looks to be a pretty decent card for the money. When I purchased the 3700X I was only thinking in terms "budget friendly" CPU. From what I have seen online @GPUcheck.com, the gaming performance of a 3700X matched with an RTX 2070 Super is just as good as a 3900X matched with an RTX 2070 Super. So my $270 CPU punches well above it's weight. The only real question that needs to be answered now is, "Will Nvidia's RTX 3080 or RTX 2070 raise the bar so much higher that a 2070 Super isn't worth the current $500 price tag?.
Never cheap out on the psu ,it's the heart of your system. If it dies, it might take more parts with it. Will u run a 20 km marathon in a 5 dollars shoes ???

While I whole-heartedly agree on the spirit of your statement, perhaps the better analogy is the quality and quantity of fuel needed to complete a marathon or half marathon. I have seen people run marathons in bare feet! A full marathon is actually 42 km while a half marathon is 21 km.
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Actually to clarify I needed to add a computer in the house and one is going to my fiance's son. I have already bought the parts and they are being shipped to me now. on the 3600 I bought the x570 motherboard with intention to get a better graphics card. So that being said I am assuming getting a gtx 2060 super I would be better with the 9600kf from the answer (Now if you did not have a system and did not care about any price difference and had a high end GPU , then there could be a different story.) If I took that wrong let me know but as of now I will stick with the 9600kf as I do plan on getting the new graphics card soon. Thanks for the quick response guys.

So your question is even more confusing, are you building two separate systems one with Intel one with AMD?

You don't need a high end motherboard to use a good video card. From your post is sounded like you built a system with a Ryzen 3600 but wanted to replace it with an Intel motherboard for some reason. Is that the case or what exactly are you trying to do and for what use? Are you replacing the RX 580 card?

Your motherboard is still overkill unless you are playing with high overclocks on the system.