[SOLVED] What cable do I need to power my graphics card?

Sep 27, 2019
I bought a used EVGA 600w BQ power supply on facebook and a new MSI GTX 1050 ti off amazon (link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MA62JSZ/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza)

I was building my PC and discovered that the PSU I got doesn't have the correct cable needed to power my GPU, and after looking online I still can't find it. It looks like I need a cable that has two 6 pin PCIE ports on either end in order to power it, but if I'm wrong let me know. I'd appreciate any help on this.

To clarify the PSU and the GPU use the same plug in as each other so I'm really confused on what sort of cable I need.

Welcome to the forums my friend!

GPUs use PCIe cable connectors from the PSU.

The EVGA BQ you have linked has 1 6+2 PCIe connection which is what your GPU requires.