What Cables Will I Need For My Build?


Aug 4, 2018
Here is my build:

My PSU is the "EVGA - SuperNOVA G2 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply" found at:

So I plan on connecting the following:
- 2 Hard Drives
- 1 SSD
- 1 Optical Drive
- LED's

I know I will need both SATA data and power cables as well as PCIe cables, but I don't exactly know the difference in how they look, what they connect to, and how they work.

I believe that HDD and SSD's use both SATA power and data cables, but I am also wondering the specs of my power supply.

Will my PSU have enough SATA ports for me to connect everything in my build? PCIe Ports?
Difference between all three cables?
Is SATA data the L shaped cable?
Will I need to buy an extra cables?
You'll only need an extra SATA data cable for the Blu-ray drive, the MB ships with two ( covering both HDDs ), but the drive ships with none, and the PSU will have more than enough power cables for the system.
1. there is no PCIE cables, you just plug your PCIE NVME SSD into a slot, no cables is needed
2. Usually MB will come with 2 sata data cables, connecting HDD to sata ports on MB, if the mb does not come with them, buy sata cables: https://www.amazon.com/Benfei-Straight-Locking-Driver-Writer/dp/B07CWQDPG7/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1534961131&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=sata+cables&psc=1
3. PSU has everything you need, sata cables for power are included, your unit may have more than 6, same for hdd and ssd as long as they are both SATA.