What can and should i upgrade?


Jun 23, 2014
My current setup-

mobo- sabertooth 990fx 2.0
gpu radeon r9 270x
cpu- fx6300
psu corsair cx500

and im running 2 24" monitors at 1920x1080 and they work fine with all the games ive tried but i want to upgrade some parts, im thinking upgrade to a geforce gtx 980ti? but then would that bottleneck the cpu? and if i upgrade the cpu ive heard that the amd fx 9000 series overheats alot and that it cant be ran on the mobo i have?

what should i upgrade and what should i upgrade it to?

any links to amazon etc would be greatly appreciated :)

i have a budget of about £200-300 per item and i dont really want to change the mobo if thats possible :) sorry for the long post,

anything that would be able to run a new game on very high settings at around 60 fps on one monitor and internet on the other would be ideal :)

being aware i am somewhat a noob at this but i seem to just be going around in circles trying to figure this out on my own