What can cause such noise?


Apr 2, 2014
Hey guys!
Today morning i had a problem, which autofixed itself: started up the computer and one of my fans started to make a crackling noise, sounded like something got into the fans, but after a few seconds it was gone. i checked it, and all my fans are working, nothing got in, no dust, nothing :S Can it be caused by cold temperature? Cause some kind of strange noise always comes when i start it up in the 20°C room, but it stops by the time the Windows starts up.
Hi there,

This could just be an issue regarding the bearings in the fan, for instance they may be slightly faulty which may cause them to rub or rattle at a certain speed or when starting up since in most cases fan speed is a lot lower when your system is booting up.

It won't be the cold.

Hope this helps.
I did some stress-testing, spining them up, but no noise. Turning it off, leaving to rest an hour, turn back on, no noise. But when i cold boot the computer in the morning after 8 hour rest there is a silent, but strange noise. Today was the first i got that loud grinding sound.