What can I upgrade?

Jul 19, 2018
I have this: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05838790
Looking to upgrade the CPU/GPU, but not sure on compatibility since its H170.

What high-end CPUs will work?
What GPUs are compatible - triple slot required or no?

Don't know a damn thing about motherboards, very sorry lol. It's for a friend so I want to be sure.
Much appreciated!
Your only option for CPU upgrades would be to a 7700K - not worth it, if you have the 7700 already. Minor boost in clock speeds, but you cannot overclock it.

For GPUs, I'd stick to dual-slots at max. 3 slot might fit, but I'd imagine it'd be choked for airflow.

The PSU will limit too many upgrades on a GPU front. 300W stock unit.

Looks like the system ships with a 3GB 1060? I wouldn't look to upgrade that without also replacing the PSU.

The system (other than the PSU) will support any modern GPU you want to use; 1070/TI/1080/TI/Titan but, whether they're worthwhile upgrades will depend what you want to do with the system, and the...
Your only option for CPU upgrades would be to a 7700K - not worth it, if you have the 7700 already. Minor boost in clock speeds, but you cannot overclock it.

For GPUs, I'd stick to dual-slots at max. 3 slot might fit, but I'd imagine it'd be choked for airflow.

The PSU will limit too many upgrades on a GPU front. 300W stock unit.

Looks like the system ships with a 3GB 1060? I wouldn't look to upgrade that without also replacing the PSU.

The system (other than the PSU) will support any modern GPU you want to use; 1070/TI/1080/TI/Titan but, whether they're worthwhile upgrades will depend what you want to do with the system, and the resolution you game at.
The HP board only supports up to 65 watt TDP CPU's, So Im afraid even the 7700k wont work, it might, but I would not tempt it as HP most likely did not have the micro code nor the VRM's to handle a 91 watt 7700k.
