What case would fit the Corsair H100i and SLI 970's


Jan 6, 2015
I'm currently looking for a case to fit these specs-
i7 4790K
Asus ROG Maximus VII Ranger z97
Corsair 16GB Vengeance DDR3 1600Mh MHz Cl9 or 16GB G.Skill DDR3 2400MHz QuadChannel
Seagate Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" Internal Hard drive x2
Samsung 850 Pro 512GB 2.5" SSD
Corsair H100i Extreme Performance Liquid CPU cooler
2x Gigabyte overclocked 4GB 970's in SLI.
EVGA 750 Watt Supernova G2 Fully modular 80+ Gold Rated PSU

Would love any recommendations for changes or improvements! Mainly using this setup for gaming/report writing. So I would much prefer a case that has good ventilation and enough slots in-between each 970 for ventilation.

Also would love to know if the Maximus VII Ranger z97 has an on-board wifi or do I need to buy a seperate adapter.

Thanks for the recommendations. Do you know of any place in Australia that sells the Phantek cases as centrecom doesn't sell them. Other than that, what other cases do you recommend


Could you give me a link to the stores you like? I have no clue about Australian stores.

For your AIR 540, does it gather dust frequently as I have seen in the reviews that it doesn't have air filters for the PSU and some other parts?


This is the place where I'm getting all my parts from. Most likely will be getting it assembled by them. By far this place is the cheapest for the assembly 😛 I don't have much time so won't be able to build it myself, therefore I have to decide on my parts from what they have.

This case works well, just get a magnetic dust filter for the PSU. http://www.centrecom.com.au/search/corsair-air-540

These are all good http://www.centrecom.com.au/fractal-design-arc-xl-full-tower-case-black-with-window


(Great for cooling GPU's and I think you would like this one the best) http://www.centrecom.com.au/nzxt-phantom-630-gunmetal

(larger version of the one above) http://www.centrecom.com.au/nzxt-phantom-820-black


I would pick whichever you like the looks of the most.
Note that most of these come in different colors.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case ($119.00 @ PCCaseGear)
Total: $119.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 15:33 EST+1100


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case: Phanteks Enthoo Luxe ATX Full Tower Case ($179.00 @ PCCaseGear)
Total: $179.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 15:33 EST+1100

Thanks for letting me know which you recommend! I have a question with the RAM. I'm still unsure which to buy, the Corsair or the G.Skill one. I've heard that the G.Skill ripjaws x are better than the corsair and cheapter. I'm unsure whether or not the 2400MHz would be beneficial becuause I've been told 1600MHz is good enough for gaming. Which would you recommend? (Does not necessarily have to be those 2, just needs to be from centrecom.com.au)

Either brand would be fine. I generally pick 1866 for gaming but 2133 is usually only $5 more or so, it doesn't matter. As long as you go with a good brand such as corsair,g.skill, a-data, etc, you will be good to go.

Ah. Okay thanks for the info, currently the ones im planning to buy are either one of these 3, i'd like to know your recommendation and why please! --


I'm also confused about dual channel vs quad channel. The pictures show the corsair ones have 4 sticks and the G. Skill has 2. Except these ones are quad channel ~

Which is "better" for gaming (has better performance) I know that there may not be a big difference between 2133, 1600MHz but I'd still like to know if it's worth it to just get the Quad channel 2400MHz.

Also, if i'm not clear enough feel free to ask me to explain xD

Don't use Centrecom if you can. If something arrives DOA they won't actually take it back. Shipping takes forever too. They are also known for sneakily replacing parts in their builds so watch out for that too. CPL online is just as bad, if not worse than Centrecom but everyone else is good.

I recommend PCCaseGear. :)

Back on topic, definitely get Phanteks' Enthoo Pro/Luxe, two of the best 3 cases on the market right now. The Enthoo Luxe is just the Enthoo Pro with slightly less cooling performance but it looks stunning with that LED strip. Up to you really.

As for the RAM, the Z97 platform only supports dual channel so there will be no performance gain with 4 sticks over 2 sticks. The difference between 2133 and 1600 will only be noticeable when your system is overclocked, since Haswell seems to like fast ram at higher clock speeds.

I'm only using centrecom as they are currently the only place that offers to help build the PC for you. I'm not very confident in my pc building skills :l

Also when you mean overclocking the system do you mean including the CPU/GPU or just the GPU. If so, mind giving me a link to a tutorial?

Since the Z97 only supports the Dual Channel, do you think I should go for the 1600MHz sniper or the ripjaw z 2133MHz (Both at 16gb ddr3 )

I meant overclocking the cpu. There are loads of tutorials out there, more than I can count and you should read more than one to get a better idea of what you are doing.

You really don't need an AIO or a K series processor if you don't plan on overclocking. An i5 4590 with a 212 EVO is all you need if you're just gaming.

1600MHz is all you will ever need if you're not overclocking. 2133 MHz will help you get the most out of your cpu if you do plan on overclocking.

Take a look at these:

Hmm. Well thanks for the link to those reviews.. Do you know any other place in Australia that helps you build a customized PC? (I choose parts, they build it ) There were quite a bunch of mixed reviews in there....

I also plan on CPU overclocking so most likely will be going for the 2133MHz.
I'm sure you could buy the parts separately online then get your local computer store to assemble it for you, just like most LBS (Local Bike Shops). Check with them first though, you don't want to spend $2k+ on some paperweights.

Watch some tutorial videos on YouTube. If you feel it's too hard for you then get someone to assemble it for you. Otherwise just put it together yourself.

Watch a tutorial from newegg or jayztwocents to build a computer. Its pretty easy.