I am buying my little brother a new GPU for his PC so he can play his Minecraft with a decent amount of MODS, mainly shader mods and i dont want to go over $50. I have found this one below so far which is very cheap, will it run Minecraft with Mods and a great shader mod good? Here is his PC components if needed.
Intel Pentium G2020 @ 2.9GHz Ivy Bridge 22mm Technology with 4 GB ram, a Foxconn 2ADA (SOCKET 0) motherboard, 230w PSU.
The GPU i found http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150673
Intel Pentium G2020 @ 2.9GHz Ivy Bridge 22mm Technology with 4 GB ram, a Foxconn 2ADA (SOCKET 0) motherboard, 230w PSU.
The GPU i found http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150673