What Cheap but good GPU just for Minecraft and Shader Mods?

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Jul 3, 2014
I am buying my little brother a new GPU for his PC so he can play his Minecraft with a decent amount of MODS, mainly shader mods and i dont want to go over $50. I have found this one below so far which is very cheap, will it run Minecraft with Mods and a great shader mod good? Here is his PC components if needed.

Intel Pentium G2020 @ 2.9GHz Ivy Bridge 22mm Technology with 4 GB ram, a Foxconn 2ADA (SOCKET 0) motherboard, 230w PSU.

The GPU i found http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150673

If anything can run Shader mods than why do i need a good GPU or CPU? lol 😛 But his CPU is good he just cant run it due to no GPU hes usiong Intel HD graphics which suck. I use an i5-4690 and MSI R9-290 and it runs it like a dream

Just got a new PC.
i7 4790k (overclocked to 4.5 ghz)
Asus Strik GTX 970
Runs absolutely everything with ease and renders amazingly fast.

Please do not take this the wrong way but you wasted your money buying an i7 if all you do is gaming. You will never even come 10% close to using your CPU's full potential and really, you overclocked it? That is even more pointless my friend. Unless you make movies with Steven Spielberg or are a professional video game designer i would have went with an i5 and used the other $200 to get a GTX 980 or R9-295x2. but it is your money so do what makes you happy mate! :) next month i am going to the NVIDIA side and trying out a GTX 980 for once lol I never tried an NVIDIA.
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