What comes with hopping to Intel from AMD?


May 4, 2015
OTHER than the obvious performance my baby is going to get, when I switch over, what things will I need to do to get it up and running seeing as it's a completely new mobo and completely new processor brand?

Sorry, always had amd but finally had money to upgrade to intel and want to know what to expect 8D
Whether an OS is reusable or not depends on the version and particular type of license. As stated above, OEM licenses are generally processor or mobo- locked, but full retail licenses (from at least Windows 8 forwards) allow you to carry the license to new hardware. I ran on a retail 8.1 install and was able to switch from an AMD to Intel build with the only hassle being Windows not having drivers for the new mobo's NIC.

Got the new ram thing covered, hopping on the skylake hype train so got DDR4. Made sure that was all compatible. The OS I have is locked to the hardware of another computer. Is there no way around buying a new OS? I honestly have never bought the OS itself just plain, always had it pre-installed.

Also when I buy the OS is the OS I purchase re-usable on as many computers as I want or would it also be locked to one computer using at a time?
Whether an OS is reusable or not depends on the version and particular type of license. As stated above, OEM licenses are generally processor or mobo- locked, but full retail licenses (from at least Windows 8 forwards) allow you to carry the license to new hardware. I ran on a retail 8.1 install and was able to switch from an AMD to Intel build with the only hassle being Windows not having drivers for the new mobo's NIC.