What connecters are on my psu's rails.


Jun 19, 2013
Hi, I have a seasonic s12 bronze 620w psu. I just got a new gpu that will almost max her out with my other components and need to know which rail each connector is to. I couldn't find any information about it on the web and it wasn't labeled on the pins themselves. Can anyone tell me what pine go to each rail? Thank you.
After further investigation it seems that the M12II has split rails but the S12II has a single "combined" rail so it really doesn't matter which cables are used so long as you use the two PCIe 12v power connectors intended for the GPU.

That's pretty doubtful unless you're running an SLI or Crossfire setup. What kind of GPU did you get?

I got an R9 290. Unfortunately I discovered my psu has 2 rails instead of the one I thought it had (didn't read correctly). I believe each rail is 24v so if my gpu was running on only one rail it would max it out completely since it draws about 28v. So I was wondering if anyone knew which connectors go to which rail. I had the 6/8 pin and 2 4 pin molex's connected to an adapter. The pins are labeled so I was wondering if there was any information on what goes to what. Thanks!
That's a great PSU. I have the exact same one on my current rig. Are you going to be overclocking the GPU at all? What is the exact brand and model number of the GPU as between brands what third party companies do with the card makes a significant difference.

"The reason for various requirments in the R9 290 cards is because of what the third-party companies do with the card, new PCBs could mean better overclockability which in turns relates to higher power requirments, also with the addition of new types of phase powers this could affect the amount of amps/watts the card will pull, let's not forget the fans however this could be neglible."