What cooler for 4770k


Jan 23, 2015
I am getting a new motherboard, the Asus Z97-A, and would like to be able to overclock my cpu quite a bit. Right now I still have a stock cooler on my Intel core i-7 4770k so I am going to buy an aftermarket cooler. However I have not decided which one yet and need some help with it. The Hyper 212 Evo was recommended to me by several people and is pretty cheap but how far will this get me with overclocking? Any advice is greatly appreciated but I don't want to spend too much money on it since it's my first aftermarket cpu cooler. My case is the Cooler Master Storm Enforcer.
Hyper 212 evo is a great choice. It will allow you to OC to around 4.5-4.6 depending on how good your cpu is with very respectable temps. If you want to spend a little more, then corsair h100i or noctua nh d15 are both great choices.

Ehh, I wouldn't recommend a 212. the 4770k was the reason intel released devils canyon.

It created way to much heat..
d15 is the way to go
I am really tempted to go with the noctua because it also runs very quiet on slower RPMs and is a great cooler but how bad will it look and will it even fit in my case? I have a window in my side panel and want my system to look good.
Will the d15 block the top pci-e slot of my graphics card? I am currently only running one gpu but I would like to keep the option for a second one. It shouldn't because there is a small pci slot at the top right?
Hi JustGetOwned,

Your CPU will only over-clock to it's own self limiting ceiling which varies CPU to CPU. i personally wouldn't over-clock any higher than 1.3v on the 4770k.

The h100 series are for enthusiasts who want to squeeze every last drop of CPU power whilst maintaining lower temps, than on air.

As an owner of a EVO 212 i'm very very happy with it!! to give you an idea of temps , my 4670k @ 4.3Ghz @ 1.26v = ~65deg during full stress using Prime95. Taking into consideration that our CPU's have a Tj Max (Throttle temp) of 100c we really have little to worry about.

The H100 (series) will cool your CPU better, in that it will reduce temperatures ~5 degrees - for a premium! An EVO 212 costs a mere £25 and a 4770k costs £250 - A H100i costs £85 - thats 34% of the cost of the CPU itself!

Consider this, why pay a premium for a h100/d14/d15 when your CPU can reach a great overclock on AIR and be well within the realms of safe overclocking?

Many people on this forum recommend top end CPU coolers because its what 'they' would buy and love to geek out on it. Considering that this is the first time you are overclocking your CPU, i wholeheartedly recommend the EVO 212.

If you need any help with the overclock itself, i'm more than happy to help you.

The H100i is not that much more expensive and looks in my opinion a lot better than the nh d15 in my system. How about the difference in silence at low and high loads? Will the H100i even fit inside my case?
They are both excellent coolers, and perform similarly.

The Corsair allows you the ability to modify fan speed to adjust the performance and volume of the fans through software to whatever settings you want - including silent (and you can modify the color of the logo - if that's important to anyone).

Whichever the OP chooses, he'll be just fine.