What cooler should I get for my CPU?


Aug 15, 2014
For a build I'm planning, I'm going to be using the Intel i7-4790K, also known as Devil's Canyon, I will not be overclocking it. I've read around on the forums that the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO is a good choice, but I would also like to hear experience from using the 212 EVO with the 4790K. For example, what temperatures have you gotten, any problems, any other cooler suggestions etc. I am also wondering, what is a good temperature for the CPU to be at? Thanks for the help.
The 212 will work fine for it. I've used it on my 4790K - idle temps were around 38C and load temps at stock clock (Turbo mode) were about 72C-75C. Your temps will depend on your chip as they all behave differently. If you get the same range as I did, you'll be fine.
The 212 will work fine for it. I've used it on my 4790K - idle temps were around 38C and load temps at stock clock (Turbo mode) were about 72C-75C. Your temps will depend on your chip as they all behave differently. If you get the same range as I did, you'll be fine.
I have become a bit jaded on the subject of haswell cooling for overclocking.
How high you can OC is firstly determined by your luck in the bin lottery.
I had high expectations from the Devil's canyon parts and their better thermals.
I found out that the thermals really do not matter unless, perhaps, you are a competitive overclocker.
Haswell runs quite cool, that is, until you raise the voltage past 1.25v or so.
Once you go past 1.3v, then you really do need very good cooling to keep stress loads under say 85c.
But, voltages higher than 1.30 are not a good thing for 24/7 usage.
Even if you can handle the heat, how much do you really need that extra multiplier from say 4.4 to 4.6?
My thought is that it is better to use the exotic cooling funds for a quieter and less expensive air cooler.
Anything extra can go to a stronger graphics card for the gamer or a SSD.