What cooling fan/pad should i get?

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Dec 8, 2013
I have a laptop (i use it for gaming it works very well besides some heat issues after a few hours of gaming) that vents heat out the side and seem to pull air in the bottom. As in the side vent is always hot and the bottom vent is always cool. I was hoping someone could recommend a good cooling fan/pad (or both) to get for a side vent laptop (i think i need something that pulls heat out of my side vent).

I've been looking on my own but all i can seem to find are ones that cost 5 dollars for side vent laptops. Please help!

This is my exact laptop http://www.walmart.com/ip/Refurbished-Acer-Black-15.6-E1-531-4682-Laptop-PC-with-Intel-Dual-Core-Pentium-B960-Processor-and-Windows-8-Operating-System/23569505

(sorry for the edits)
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