What cooling should I use


Jul 28, 2015
I don't know if this is normal, but it can't be. My CPU is an AMD Fx-6300 6 core processor, lately I've been having troubles with my PC crashing due to game play, I watched a video that if I "unpark" my CPU cores (Which I have 6 of) that it will stop the crashes. I tried it and it helps, haven't crashed yet.

However I have a new problem now, with overheating CPU, I get usually 140F(60C) degrees without playing ANY games, only browsing the net and using Skype. When I'm playing games it goes as high as 175(80C) I checked around the forums and they said that the 6300 is safe at 60C and nothing more.

I do not have my CPU overclocked or anything else on my system. I have $40 to spare for a cooler, what do you guys recommend?
Buy a Cooler Master Hyper Evo 212 and use Artic Thermal Paste. Watch a good video on applying the paste.

If you keep your fans clean then you will never have to worry about temps again.

The solution should run you about $30.
Buy a Cooler Master Hyper Evo 212 and use Artic Thermal Paste. Watch a good video on applying the paste.

If you keep your fans clean then you will never have to worry about temps again.

The solution should run you about $30.

I don't know, I haven't touched the fans since I bought the computer, it's a new computer too only 2 months old.

I have this computer http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883102038 bought it exactly from newegg too.

So I haven't touched it at all.

Does the thermal paste really matter? What does it do exactly, doesn't the Cool Master Evo 212 come with one itself? I can't use the stock thermal or?

TBH I am not sure if it "matters." I read several that recommended it and so I bought it. It was only six bucks. If you don't want to buy then don't. Almost anyone posting will recommend the Hyper 212 EVO if your case can hold it.


This is my exact computer, bought it from this site too.

The stock fan that it came with for the CPU is crap, doesn't do a dam thing, and it's so noisy. Hopefully I will get better tempratures when playing games like ARMA 3.

Am I able to overclock the CPU and still have good temps with the Hyper evo 212?
"Am I able to overclock the CPU and still have good temps with the Hyper evo 212?"

By the looks of the case the Hyper Evo could fit and it most certainly used for overclocking the CPU. Overclocked my 6300 build with it.

You've been very helpful, thanks a lot! I'll be getting it with in next week. Cheers mate
You are welcome. If you chose to purchase the Hyper Evo 212 then make sure to keep the packaging until after you know it is installed correctly. In case, you need to return the cooler for any reason. Also make sure you check either the OEM or motherboard manufacturer for the latest motherboard BIOS prior to overclocking your CPU. Take good care in making sure the BIOS update matches your motherboard. Good luck on the solution!