What could be causing this? Jagged edges everywhere.


Oct 18, 2013
Hey guys, I've been trying to help my friend diagnose the problem with his build. We're on his 4th GPU now, and I feel confident in saying, It's not hardware related.


CPU: i5 3570k
MoBo: ASRock Extreme4 Z77
PSU: Corsair 600W
GPU: GTX 970
Storage: 1TB 7200RPM HDD + 240GB SSD
Monitor: AOC 2425W (1920x1080 Native Res)

Problem: So, no matter what settings we use, he cannot avoid getting jagged edges in every game he plays.

We've been diligent to confirm 1920x1080 on the desktop setting, NVidia Control Panel setting, AND the actual game setting itself.

We've tried every setting of Anti-Aliasing and Antristropic Filtering etc. to no avail.

There's no frame rate loss to speak of.

The NVidia control panel preview video does NOT have jagged edges, it only occurs IN GAME.

So, does anyone have any ideas as to what software/hardware could be causing this? Pictures linked below!!

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


Noah Siano

May 13, 2015
That is called Aliasing. Try turning MSAA(aka anti-aliasing) up to x2 or x4, and see if that makes a noticable difference. It is a lot more load on the gpu though, so keep that in mind.

EDIT: somehow i did not see the sentence about you already tried anti-aliasing....my bad.

Noah Siano

May 13, 2015
Okay so I'm still not sure that this isn't an AA problem, it sure looks like it. As far as the GTA V screenshot goes, that's how it looks for me when I have MSAA off. I would love to see some screenshots showing AA x8 vs AA off.

If it isn't an AA problem, then it could be a monitor problem. Have you tried using a different 1080p monitor? I don't see how, but possibly the games aren't actually running 1080p.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the nvidia control panel does not have jagged lines...the control panel isn't a render, so it doesn't work the same as a game...?


Oct 18, 2013

Hey Noah, thanks for the reply! Yes I know that it isnt a render, that's why I was letting everyone know that its not just being jagged everyone on the screen, just when it needs to actually process something in real time do we seem to have this issue.

I asked him to hook it up to a different 1080p screen to see if perhaps that would help, I'm waiting on him to get back to me, and as soon as he does I'll let everyone know if its monitor related


Noah Siano

May 13, 2015

Ah, I gotcha. Well, that could actually mean it is NOT monitor related, since everything else looks good.

Are you sure there is even a problem at all? Has he looked at these games alongside someone else playing the game at the same settings/resolution?


Oct 18, 2013
Well, from my own personal experiences, having a fairly similar build, I have NEVER had these kinds of jagged PS2 edges in PayDay 2 or GTA V. These pictures were taken within seconds of launching the games, and have been worse at times.

Perhaps my 144Hz Monitor makes everything feel smoother and I'm just expecting more. But a 970 should be running these games without jagged edges on 1080p.
Its aliasing. Anti-aliasing settings will fix this, but you will take a huge performance hit. If there is no in-game AA settings then try the nvidia control panel settings, however these dont always take effect in certain games. you can try some kind of AA inject program http://www.overclock.net/t/1296721/how-to-anti-aliasing-shader-injection-sweetfx-gedosato-gemfx-and-reshade
Do some research on all the AA techniques, as some will not affect certain parts of a game, like objects with transparencies for example.

Noah Siano

May 13, 2015
Well, if you'd like to compare his GTA V screenshot with mine, here's a shot that shows off a bunch of jagged edges. I've only got a 760, so I play with MSAA off most of the time, and bump it up to x2 sometimes, so this screenshot is probably msaa off.


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