
Jan 31, 2014
I am considering building a new PC, meant for gaming, that will run games like GTA V and Battlefield 4 well. I will be using some parts that I have lying around my house, such as 6GB of ram, and my 2tb hdd, but I am unsure of which processor and graphics card to use.
At the minute, there are two contenders for each, for my CPU, they are:
1. AMD FX6300 (6 Core 3.5/4.1Ghz)
2. AMD FX8350 (8 Core 4.0/4.2Ghz)

(1 is cheaper, but is 2 worth it?)

The Graphics Cards:
1. AMD Sapphire Radeon R7 265 2GB
2. Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti
They are both roughly around the same price, but i am not sure which is best.

This PC will be used to play games such as Battlefield and Grand Theft Auto, but which CPUand GPU should i buy?
Thanks in advance, Joel.

Use 8 Gb of ram, (2x4 GB) if at all possible dual channel is goodness.

General gaming performance between the two is not a huge difference, remember the whole point of building a AMD system is for the awesome OC potential, getting a 6300 up to 4.2 or higher is not that hard, Hyper 212 evo is best bang for buck cooler, stock coolers suck.

You want a decent mobo to support this.

An idea of your total available budget would make answering your question much easier, along with where you would buy your parts, some countries are a lot more expensive to buy things in.

You might get more performance for the same money with Intel, if you have the budget for it.
I personally am quite happy with the performance I get with my 8350, the modern games I play definitely use all of the cores. such as Star Citizen being a good example of the kind of multithreading future games (near-ish future) will have.

Remember to budget for a new Windows licence, a new mobo/cpu will most likely need one.
That is another $100 plus dollars.

Thanks for the reply, i see that i forgot to mention my graphics card options. These are:
The Graphics Cards:
1. AMD Sapphire Radeon R7 265 2GB
2. Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti
They are both roughly around the same price, but i am not sure which is best.

I am looking to spend no more than £250 pound, considering i already have my windows license (windows 8.1 professional).
My parts will be bought from sites like Amazon, because all the parts i have looked at come with free shipping in the UK.
Also, what mobo would you suggest to get then, i have no clue at all about computers, but if i end up needing to buy a new motherboard, i will hold back on things like new ram and coolers, due to the fact that i have other things to put money towards.


As cheap as possible. I want something that can hold these:
PSU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009RMP44O/ref=twister_B00I5... (Semi-Modular)
GPU: http://www.newegg.com/global/uk/Product/Product.aspx?It...
CPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/AMD-FD6300WMHKBOX-FX-6300-Proce...
MOBO: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-970A-DS3P-Motherboard-...

And my other parts, like dvd drive, hard drive, maybe an ssd for the future and other essential parts of a pc.
Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HG2VOAA/?tag=pcp0f-21
But cheaper.