What cpu power connector should I use?

Oct 11, 2015
My motherboard has an 8 pin connector for my psu to plug into for the cpu should i plug in the 8 pin from my psu or just 1 4 pin into the 8 pin slot. My cpu is an i3 4170 with a stock cooler and is running at 45-50 degrees Celsius at idle would using the 1 4 pin connector instead of the 8 pin connector be better for this cpu http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SUR7WFQ?keywords=gigabyte%201150%20motherboard&qid=1445529584&ref_=sr_1_8&sr=8-8 this is the mobo im using. I have been using the 8 pin coudld it be damaging my cpu because its to much voltage and thats why its running so hot at idle. Please help im very worried that im messing up my cpu.

PS. sorry for my bad english and this is my first build
You should always plug all of the pins. Running just half of the pins is fine for a quick test-up. Not for long period of usage.

The cable gives always the same voltage, no matter how many pins you have connected.
It's just that 8pins can give more power than 4 when needed.
If your power supply has an 8 pin connector for the 8pin CPU socket on your motherboard you should probably use and not the 4 pin unless you don't want your computer to run properly. If you have a flashlight that takes two batteries should you only put in one battery to not stress the light bulb? Say hi to Alice for me.

Thanks for the answers guys i have another question if you don't mind, The sticker on the top of the stock cpu cooler that says intel my friend said to take that off so i did and it exposed wires and stuff and i didnt want dust to get on them so i reapplied the sticker as best as i could it lost a lot of its stick but it seems to be on for the most part. It is a little of centered but it is not terrible i have horrible ocd for these things is it ok that i took it off then reapplied it could anything go wrong from that im sorry if this is a dumb question but i have to ask or it will bug me thank you