niksonrex88 :
Ok sorry guys i forgot lmao:
Mobo: P5K the Base Model
Ram: 4x2GB 800Mhz ddr2
GPU: GT 730 1GB Gddr5
PSU: 400W
Im also going to be getting a 550W psu in the following months cause i want to upgrade the gpu. Im looking to run For Honor, R6S and DS3 on low obviously 720p. I tried all of them with this cpu and it isnt even that bad. R6S is playable but is verry laggy when the map is loading (when im picking an operator) for honor is also playable but the game drops rarely and when it does it disconnects me from the server and DS3 is unplayable cause when i turn the fps drops to 20.
You can, in fact, go up to a Q9650, but make sure your BIOS is up-to-date.
Also note that this will primarily be an upgrade on games that use more cores. The single-core performance isn't that much better, so a lot of games you won't get a huge boost. Upgrading to a 750ti or something would probably
get you a larger improvement relatively.