What cpu to upgrade to


Jul 13, 2016
Hi, while playing games im getting 45 fps on most things, I was wondering if i should upgrade and if so what to. an i7, and differnt i5? my cpun is getting 99%-100% while playing games.

this is my build:https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/qx7Z4C

thanks for any help.
Yeah, Win 10 is worth it, your platform is completely supported and a clean install would most certainly resolve the issue as well.

You can download Windows 10 from microsoft site for free, install it, and later activate it when you buy key for it - you don't have to purchase it beforehand, so you can test it and see how it works.

Here is a tutorial on how to install windows 10:

What games are you playing? Thats pretty high usage, so it would help if you could find out if this usage is purely from gaming or there are other things in the background which eat resources, like malware or even antivirus checks.

If gaming is the most demanding cpu hog, the easiest upgrade would be an i7 4790k. You wont be able to overclock it due to h97 mobo, but it runs at 4ghz stock, 4.4ghz turbo. A hefty boost of 1 ghz and 4 more threads should help a lot.

Hey, i have discord open and some chrome tabs and the usage is at 50% around, is that normal? thanks

hi, what do you suggest? a fresh install of windows? is so how can i do that? Also im using windows 7 and i want windows 10, is it worth buying that ?
Yeah, Win 10 is worth it, your platform is completely supported and a clean install would most certainly resolve the issue as well.

You can download Windows 10 from microsoft site for free, install it, and later activate it when you buy key for it - you don't have to purchase it beforehand, so you can test it and see how it works.

Here is a tutorial on how to install windows 10:
