What Distro


Apr 4, 2001
My 40gb hard drive crapped out on me, and I'm forced to use my 4.3gb backup until I can get a new one. Basically want a stable out of the box ready to go distrobution that will fit on less than 2gb of space...

Installed the new Knoppix 3.3 and only 1.1gb of free space left. Wanna run America's Army which takes 1.3gb of space. What would you guys recommend?


<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
Ready out of the box... prolly mandrake or redhat. Select only the packages you need and you'll get it in at a gig.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
TurboLinux. Hands down one of the fastest and smallest distro's out there. Only 2 install discs and it is one of the fastest and easiest to install. You can use autoinstall or select your packages. I give it two thumbs and a pelvic thrust up! 😛

<b>It is always brave to say what everyone thinks. </b> <i>Georges Duhamel</i>

Try VectorLinux - installed it couple of weeks back and have been very happy. Tried SuSE in the past but it was hugely overdone and bloated. VL is slimmed down but very user friendly if you have more than a modicum of computer knowhow (the most difficult thing you'll have to do is partiton in cfdisk) the standard version is a downloadable iso and occupies 250Mb HD-space when fully installed. You can also get the deluxe version (pay for CD though) with Office utils etc. VL autodetected my hardware without any trouble and works fine without any additional drivers (MSI nForce2 board) though admittedly I've not tried the LAN port yet.

VL is a derivative of Slackware so has its reliability and good features without the unnecessary surplus. There was a decent review of VL somewhere which convinced me to give it a try, you might try googling for it

This isn't that review but its decent:
I use vector linux, as my experiment comp. It is light weight and cool.

<b><font color=red>"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."</font color=red><font color=blue> - Benjamin Franklin</font color=blue></b>