What do I add to make this pc Better?


Jan 13, 2013
I have built a pc (my first one!), and someone on the forum said that it was not a good combination of parts and I should have gotten others. What would I replace in my build to make the parts a better combination. The only thing that I do on this pc is play games. I have a pretty tight budget for upgrades.

CPU: Intel i7 3770k (can't help that I payed for this b/cause my neighbor works for intel and i got it for $104 with employee discounts.)
Motherboard: Intel® Desktop Board DZ77BH-55K (Also got this from neighbor for $50 with discounts)
GPU: HD 7850 1gb
Hard Drive: 500 GB 7200 RPM
Power Supply: AZZA Dynamo 850 850W
Case: Cooler Master Elite 430 (Sucks I know)
Disk Drive: IDK Some $20 dvd read/write

What should I upgrade? Should I upgrade my graphics? If so could I just buy another 7850? Should I water cool my cpu? Should I buy an ssd? Should I buy a new case?

Thanks in advance
As was said, that PSU is horrible at best, and cataclysmic at worst. Get it out of your system as soon as humanly possible.

500w is plenty for a single-GPU system. If you want a pair of 7850's down the road, a quality 600-650w PSU will support them without breaking a sweat. Any Seasonic or Seasonic-built (PC power & cooling, XFX, upper-end corsairs) will be of the highest quality. Superflower-built PSU's are also good.

Whoever said it was not a good combination on the forum was likely under the assumption that you paid retail price for the 3770k. The 3770k isn't much better than the 3570k when it comes to games, but costs quite a bit more (retail)....or the forum-go'er may simply have been referring to that rip-off of a PSU.

its not terrible, but i would replace the power supply. its a bad brand, and you dont need 850w anyways. get something more reliable from antec or seasonic, something around 550-620w.

you can get a new case, if you want one, no big deal really.

an SSD would be nice, if you wanted one.

Dude! you saved so much bucks with that powerful cpu and mobo. Its time to get a SSD upgrade for that build. check weather you get discount on INTEL SSD's also.

And if you save money on SSD's, Then the next is HD7850 and PSU

Coooool luck!
As was said, that PSU is horrible at best, and cataclysmic at worst. Get it out of your system as soon as humanly possible.

500w is plenty for a single-GPU system. If you want a pair of 7850's down the road, a quality 600-650w PSU will support them without breaking a sweat. Any Seasonic or Seasonic-built (PC power & cooling, XFX, upper-end corsairs) will be of the highest quality. Superflower-built PSU's are also good.

Whoever said it was not a good combination on the forum was likely under the assumption that you paid retail price for the 3770k. The 3770k isn't much better than the 3570k when it comes to games, but costs quite a bit more (retail)....or the forum-go'er may simply have been referring to that rip-off of a PSU.

Other than that, given the price you paid, that is a solid build.

$ for $ an absolutely killer build. I wouldn't replace or add anything anything unless it's an actual "upgrade" like a better vid card or SSD. If the power supply catches on fire, big deal hit your neighbor up for Haswell in a few months. That is unless you're planning on moving.

If a PSU fails, instead of the fuse simply breaking, it can take other components out with it...motherboard, CPU... anything. It is dangerous to leave a very poor quality PSU in your machine; you are playing russian roulette with you computer.