5 5150CaSe Reputable Aug 18, 2014 1 0 4,510 Aug 18, 2014 #1 Why wont my screen display anything at all when i start up ?
popatim Titan Moderator Dec 2, 2009 38,942 989 135,890 Aug 18, 2014 #2 Press the menu button on the screen when you think its on. If it doesnt display the menu then you have a screen problem. if it does the problem is the cable or the pc. Let us know what you figure out Upvote 0 Downvote
Press the menu button on the screen when you think its on. If it doesnt display the menu then you have a screen problem. if it does the problem is the cable or the pc. Let us know what you figure out
L Luketheduke03 Reputable Jul 30, 2014 108 0 4,710 Aug 18, 2014 #3 Try updating your bios? Maybe that will work. Upvote 0 Downvote