What do i need for 144hz


Dec 9, 2017
I have a BenQ Zowie XL2411 144hz Gaming Monitor and i have a Lenovo Laptop.

What cable do i have to get to be able to see the option 144hz and use it?

Currently im using a HDMI cable and I only see the option 60hz.

Lenovo Laptop specs:
Intel Core i5-4210H CPU @ 2.90GHz
Ram 8 Gb
Systemtype: 64
Windows 8.1

if you 're into gaming and that lenovo is for gaming and you are using an external gpu then they are usually pcie 3 you need pcie 3 to use that refresh rate on your monitor

My Laptop does not have a DVI port is it possible to use a DVI to USB Port?

No, you need to return the monitor and get one that supports 144 Hz over HDMI like the ViewSonic XG2401. It is not possible to connect to the XL2411Z at more than 60 Hz without a DVI or DP port on the computer.

I dont have XL2411Z i have XL2411

They're the same monitor