What do I need to add/change to make this rig ready for something like Witcher 3?


Feb 17, 2010
Hello, Right now I have troubles running games smoothly, for example when I play far cry 4 its a rough time.

I will get 50~ fps on medium running, but turning the camera and other things moves it down in the 30's or high 20's.

I want to get a smooth experience even if I can't run them on high.

My specs are

Motherboard: Gigabyte 970A-D3P

CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 960T

Ram: 8 GB Hyperx Ram (not sure how to check the stats without removing it)

Video Card: Geforce GTX 660

And my harddrive is just a 1 TB regular harddrive. It's not a solid state.

What would I have to change or add to make games run smooth, and I don't need max graphics, or even high. Thank you.
Well for now just replace the cpu with a fx 8370 or 8320 see gaming performance and in future think to upgrade the gpu too. And with the cooler i suggested u will be able to do some good overclock and keep up with a gtx 960-970.
My PSU is a TS XFX 650 Watt. I currently have a...lever cooler. I'm not sure the techincal term. I couldn't find any coolers that go in that way, can I can remove it and put another one in?

But yeah CPU sounds good, could my motherboard run those?

Yes dont worry about the motherboard is more then fine, and psu seems alright, however a noctua d14 u think can fit in there? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608018 Of course u will have to remove the current cooler.