What do i need to get 60fps 1080p on ultra for most games?


Jul 22, 2016
Right now I have:
GPU: GeForce GTX 750
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790S CPU @ 3.20Gz
Res: 1920 x 1080

What do i need to get 60fps 1080p on ultra for most games? Price matters a lot so ill settle for 60fps 1080p on high settings if its a lot cheaper.

Sorry i worded that wrong i meant what would it take for me to get 60fps 1080p on ultra for most games?


yeah im looking for something a bit cheeper if you know what i mean lol. Whats the lowest you think i could go? the 950? or higher?

Tough one to call. Best advice I can give you is to search any card you are thinking of getting with a new game that is out. For example 'GTX 960 ti Overwatch' and compare results. You will have a better response to that

okay thanks that sounds good :)

Rx 480. That is your cheapest solution