what do you think of this build? any way it could improve?


Aug 11, 2015
Hi guys, and thanks for the help. This build is going to be for gaming and some light school work, but I am an enthusiast and want to learn the tricks of the trade, so I am going to overclock this pc (hence the z170 motherboard). For the moment I can only afford an i3, so I will get an i5 6600k next year after a solid summers work. I am at the limit of my budget (I do not want to go over what I have chosen: 450£) but less would be great. I want to ask:
Is the quality of the parts ok?
Could any parts be improved?
What sort of performance am I going to get?
(I play robocraft, minecraft modpacks, warface, trove, maybe plants versus zombies 1 and 2, maybe titanfall)
Am I getting good value for money?

Reasons I went with this build:
1) dare I say it, f*****proofness (I mean this more as preparedness, because I can then be more up to date and ready for a better upgrade)
2) bragging rights (hey, don't judge me)

1) Faster
2) more upgrade options

R9 380:
I am open to this one, I just picked the best r9 380 vs gtx 960 I could find. Any better offers are welcome.

Z170 motherboard:
1) I want to overclock my GPU a lot
2) I want to overclock my future i5 6600k

There is an XFX one that is 550W gold + for only 37£, but it is an offer that often comes on , so I will show it when it comes back again. This is my second option.

Here is the build:

I already have an OS

I already have monitor (1080p 60Hz) keyboard, mouse, sound system.

I plan to buy my components on cyber monday and black friday.

P.S. I realise I should have put this link at the top, but it's a lot of trouble on the mobile site.

Also, I can buy from Italy too and have it delivered to my friend for me to pick up, so if something is cheaper there, please tell me.

Thank you all for your help, and sorry for the long description.
Even if this build includes the newest components I'd still not consider it solid for the future. The motherboard is not really good in my opinion for overclocking and the power supply isn't one that's likely to last many years.

Perhaps a G3258 + SOLID Z97 motherboard is what I'd be grabbing, even if the Z170 is considered to be more potential material. I don't think it is that much better really. Then improve the G3258 with an i5-4690k or even i7-4790k and give it a good OC. You'll have more high quality components this way and it would be better than a budget Z170 build basically.

Can you put a link for the XFX 550w that's 37 GBP?
Here you go:
Every other week so far it goes on offer for £37
The pentium is only dual core, and I did consider it for a while, but with todays games requiring 4 cores, I reckon an i3 and then an i5 are better for the future.

Please recommend a better motherboard that is still z170 and is good for CPU and GPU overclocking and is not much more.

The problem is that because of a good processor you're upgrading soon anyways, you're choosing worse motherboard and power supply.

Take a look at this build:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Pentium G3258 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor (£51.36 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£88.09 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2133 Memory (£38.67 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£34.74 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card (£148.96 @ Aria PC)
Case: NZXT Source 220 ATX Mid Tower Case (£45.00 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£57.35 @ Aria PC)
Total: £464.17
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-10-14 17:45 BST+0100

Otherwise, this Z170 chipset:

I do not see the point of grabbing an i3 with very average components now. It does not match in terms of what you want with the build, bragging right etc. and then only buying quite poor components basically.

You can also just OC the G3258 up to 4.4 Ghz with this motherboard and a good CPU cooler and make it perform quite well actually. Far more acceptable performance for a CPU you'll be using for only a year.
I know that the 4 th gen of intel cpus was great, but the 7th gen will be here soon and I would like to be a bit closer to the front, and since I want to watercool this build after I upgrade CPU and GPU, I would like a mobo that I won't have to change again in 2-3 years.
I am willing to get a better motherboard, but it means I will have to either get a gtx 950 or buy my friends used 770 for 100e. Now that would be ironic, old gpu and new cpu :)

First you say you only chose it because it was at the top and you don't want it, and then you say you want it. So what's the reality here man?
I want to overclock my gpu out of the box and upgrade to an i5 6600k and overclock that too later on. I also want to watercool after I get the i5 and a new pascal GPU in late 2016. I figure better spending a few pounds more now than buying a better motherboard later.
Also, a little side note: I won't be reselling the parts after I am finished with them, I will be buying a super cheap micro ITX mobo and case and psu and making a media centre to replace the raspberry pie and external hard drive I'm using at the moment, but that will be paid for by my dad and he will give me the money I spent on the i3 and gpu.
Ok guys, after a few hours of reflection, I want to apologise for being so stubborn and annoying. It's hard to overcome the impulse to have the best of the best. After a chat with my dad, I have decided that I don't NEED overclocking, it would be nice, but it's not essencial. Same goes for skylake, if a 4th gen i3 can get the job done at a better price, that's fine. All I need is a pc that can give me high settings (not ultra or anti-aliasing) on games like plants versus zombies garden warfare, titanfall, planetside 2, robocraft, minecraft with mods, and maybe some more games down the line. It would also be nice if it where easy to keep up to date, so spend about 300 pounds every other year and stay on top of things.
Thank you all so much for your help, I really appreciate it. I would like to set my max budget at around £370, but slightly more is acceptable.
Thanks again.
Nope, I actually posted it on the wrong thread. (Oops...) Sorry, my bad, will delete the post.
Anyway, not sure I mentioned, but I can get things from Italy too, so I was looking around and saw that gpu, is it any good for OCing? Is it good price to performance? Thanks a lot for the help.

Isn't this the only thread you post in?

You posted the wrong PCPartPicker Link. You're supposed to put the metalink. You did it correctly the other previous times.