what do you think of this gaming pc build?


Jul 16, 2015
Okay so i had apsolutly 0 knowledge about building a pc when i started picking pc parts, and i still don't know mutch about it but with help of forums like pcpartpicker and ofc toms hardware i made this build: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/user/DieEne/saved/vFR8TW

so now is my question, what should i change about it to make it even more powerfull for the same (or even less) money?

thanks already :)
Well you wouldn't necessarily have to change the PSU. Would a 970 not interest you? Considering the difference in power is mild and It's less consumption and noise more than make up for the little difference. (Plus that ShadowPlay).

Or if you had flexibility in the budget the 980ti is a amazing card too.