What do you think the best CPU will do for me?


Jan 19, 2015
Hey guys. I like i5 4690k but i dont know how to overclock. I like to overclock it but im scared to do it because i think i'll screw up. Do you recommend me a Non-K intel cpu or i still go for i5 4690k and learn to overclock it a year or so? What do you think guys? Thanks for answering! :)
The i5 4690K will last you a long time if you are just gaming. And if for some reason it did not perform as well years down the road, you can still upgrade to the 4770K or 4790K and it will fit in the same socket. Intel CPUs are continuing to get better and already out perform AMD processors in both single and multi core processing. AMD has not kept up with innovation of new designs, they have just gone back and made their older ones more power efficient for power savings.

Disclaimer: I own both brands of CPU so I know the differences. I do favor Intel, but do not consider me a die hard fan boy for either.
If you ever want to learn or plan to OC the CPU then you absolutely need to have the K version. If at all possible I would try overclocking out on a cheaper CPU first though. It will be different than OC'ing the 4690K, but it will be similar.
Well you can get like a Pentium G645?
You dont need to learn to oc
My friend has an i7 for like 2-3 years and he still doesnt have an oc
Ocing is not very important
Just go with whatever you feel most attracted to
Just as a general statement about OC'ing. It is more of a hobby than a need. I personally do not use i5 CPUs, I have a 4790K and I OC it to 4.7Ghz for a 24/7 OC. The CPU does just fine and out performs all 4 core processors hands down at stock settings and even more so at my OC. It is not necessarily needed though. If you are worried about performance then you need to go i7. If you just want to game an i5 will be adequate enough.
Im thinking that if i overclock i5 4690k in the future it will be still at the level of the future games but if you dont recommend me i5 4690k, what cpu should i go for?i think i want an intel
The i5 4690K will last you a long time if you are just gaming. And if for some reason it did not perform as well years down the road, you can still upgrade to the 4770K or 4790K and it will fit in the same socket. Intel CPUs are continuing to get better and already out perform AMD processors in both single and multi core processing. AMD has not kept up with innovation of new designs, they have just gone back and made their older ones more power efficient for power savings.

Disclaimer: I own both brands of CPU so I know the differences. I do favor Intel, but do not consider me a die hard fan boy for either.
So should i still get i5 4690k because im just in gaming and i think in the future like 5 years there will be a new cpus that are great then i'll upgrade. so probably this cpu will last long even though i'll not overclock it (but surely in future years i'll learn and i'll overclock it). thankyou for answering i think my answer is still i5 4690k. :)


Yeah, staying with the 4690K will be best for now. However, if you don't intend on upgrading your motherboard the only CPUs you can have are going to be 1150 socket. The new Skylake and Kaby Lake CPUs will not be made for this socket. They're already being made for or are slated to be made for the 1151 socket, which is not compatible with the 1150 socket at all. Also, 1151 socket mobos right now are able to handle DDR3, DDR4, or both types of memory. Most will be for DDR4 though. So, make sure to check the specs of you motherboards in the future.