what does a second graphics card do? does it make my games go faster and higher graphics?


Oct 7, 2014
I was thinking of buying a new graphics card for my pc, to be specific something cheap like a nvidia geforce gtx 750 for my gtx 760 but i dont know what it actually does, any help?
you need to pair your 760 with another 760, can't mix and match -- it doesn't work that way. It would improve your graphics in some situations, but also adds more heat to your system. I don't have any personal experience using multiple GPUs, so I can't say for sure the benefits.

With Nvidia, the technology is called SLI: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/sli

For AMD it is called CrossFire.

If you want to find out how much a 2nd gtx760 would boost your performance, try searching '760 SLI benchmark' to compare to other cards. Some games benefit from multiple GPU setups more than others (some may not see any benefit, as they aren't configured to run from multiple cards).

Like I said, no personal experience on my part, but...
you need to pair your 760 with another 760, can't mix and match -- it doesn't work that way. It would improve your graphics in some situations, but also adds more heat to your system. I don't have any personal experience using multiple GPUs, so I can't say for sure the benefits.

With Nvidia, the technology is called SLI: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/sli

For AMD it is called CrossFire.

If you want to find out how much a 2nd gtx760 would boost your performance, try searching '760 SLI benchmark' to compare to other cards. Some games benefit from multiple GPU setups more than others (some may not see any benefit, as they aren't configured to run from multiple cards).

Like I said, no personal experience on my part, but I have read about some people having problems getting their cards to run in unison at all.
There are two options with multiple cards.
If you have two different cards that are Nvidia (Your specific example) one can run physx for the other, not really helpful.
The other option is to SLI/Xfire, which requires the same base card 760 and a 760 for example. In this situation the second card computes data for the first, increasing performance 60-80% in games that support SLI.