What does it take to get 1080p60

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
Most of the games I play don't maintain 1080p60, but perform with what I call acceptable frames (40 - 90+) with graphically demanding games between high and ultra (unless PhysX, TressFX or Hairworks get involved then performance could be anything until I do more tweaking)

It's a single 780 with an i5 4570. So, which part of that combination is holding me up.

Also, regarding SLI, how would I fit a second card in my build when there's an HD Audio header at the bottom left of my board (MSI Z97 Gaming 7) which looks like it would stop the second card going in, not that I have money to SLI, way too expensive

My board for anyone wondering
Well, it really depends on the game, Most games will be over 60 frames at 1080p expect the really demanding ones. Your i5 can handle much more graphic capabilities than gpu you can deliver before it bottlenecks it so you do want to upgrade graphics. If you really want 60 frames at all times is every game and I would say your are going to need the best in the 980ti. Even a gtx 980 can't max out a game like crisis 3 and average more than 60 frames.
I have the same CPU any GPU. I considered sli but seeing as I have already hit the 3gb vram of my 780 even running at 1080p it seems like a bad idea, I'm sure more and more games will need over 3gb in future. A single 970 or 980 don't seem to give a great enough improvement in performance or enough of a leap in vram to justify the cost. I have decided I will be going for a 980Ti later this year. Yes it's over the top now but it should allow me to max games for some time to come or I might consider a 1440 g-sync monitor later.

Yup, GTAV pushes my VRAM to the limit. What will probably happen is I'll save my current motherboard for my next build (if the USB 3 doesn't break off in it again like the last 750D

I'll probably wait for the 980Ti to come down in price (6GB VRAM 😀) and if I have money to burn, get two for SLI. Change CPU to an unlocked in the next build and keep my existing case. Before all of that, need to solve the issue of bigger TV vs higher res monitor (big sized high res monitors are too expensive IMO) and then see how this hardware performs