What does SYSTIN means for motherboard temp ?

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Jul 22, 2016
Hello guys , i checked my components temperatures and i noticed once of them is way too high for normal . Can someone tell me what does SYSTIN means ?
In the past i had the same temp for it but i didn't have any problems. For few days i started to get screen freeze and the mouse is disconnecting and reconnecting for few seconds few times a day.
I'm wondering if it's the mouse who causes the problem or the motherboard ?

Temp : http://imgur.com/a/aYQs0
"SYSTIN = System Temperature Index. CPUTIN is different from CoreTemp. CoreTemp is the sensor on the processor while CPUTIN is motherboard CPU temp sensor. AUXTIN is the power supply temp sensor if there is one. While SYSTIN relates to Motherboard"

So , what does it mean in essence ? System Temperature Index ? I don't understand why it's too high while other components are under 40..
Three possibilities I can think of..
1) The temperature is inaccurate? Maybe try another software to see what results you get (I use HWInfo64).
2) It's showing you the temperature difference remaining until it hits Max temp (If motherboard max temperature is 100 and you're currently at 40, then it will display 60).
3) Airflow in the case is good running across the motherboard?

My motherboard is H81M-K , i have 1 fan in the backside of the case , one in the front of the case and one for the CPU
I would try different software than what you're currently using to re-confirm that temperature. I find it hard to believe, and at that temperature, you'd probably start to smell 'an electrical smell'. Also, there is a chipset heatsink on that board (it's kind of brass coloured). How does that feel to the touch? It's possible to re-do the thermalpaste on that if you think it's an issue, just beware that the clips require you to have access to the backside of the motherboard in order to pinch and release them, and even then they may break, but are replaceable.

I tried with speccy aswell and it shows the same temp . No electrical smell at all , i tried to smell the case ( lol ) but nothing , everything normal. I didn't open the case yet since i bought it ( i bought it already built ) but i don't have the warranty anymore and i don't know a lot about the hardware part , so i don't know how to apply the thermalpaste again . At all it had no problems until few days ago . I'm thinking of trying another mouse to see if it happens again ?
It happens only when i play some games.
Its a blatant misreading IMO.

Does happen , download ai suite & ai probe from your mb support site.


Probe will give you a correct mb temp reading & that's the one you should go by.

If that temp was right your system would have shut itself down long long ago.
I'm wondering if it shows the temp. correct. I just opened the pc after 10 hours of shut down and i checked the temp after 1 minute of use and it still shows 120 degrees . The case is cold , temp of gpu and cpu 20 degerees , but this temp is unchanged.

Hmm... i will try to restart the comp and check the temp . As i said , after 10 hours I turned on the pc and it still showed 120 degrees. Inside the case it's a lot of space so the air can enter and leave without problems , not hot at all . Other temps normally , most probably it's a bug though ...
I don't have the Asus software to check the components temp.
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