What fans can I control?


Mar 1, 2016
Hello, I have an H97M Pro4 Motherboard, and I want to run 5 fans off of it. My case, which is the Corsair Carbide 88r has 5 fan slots, and 1 fan included. I bought 2 PWM fan splitters, and these fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103052

Is it possible for me to hook these all up in a way I can control them? If I plug the 2 fans at the top of the case into the 2nd CPU fan header using a splitter will those spin faster as the CPU heats up? I've never done anything with fans before, and would like to avoid buying a fan controller.

Thanks. I couldn't find that for some reason. Can't wait to hook em also up.