What Frequency for a A10-5800k?


Higher frequency is better? I plan on using the onboard 7660D graphics and i read that higher frequency means faster graphics.

Should i be getting
- Or higher?

Sound advice.

First and formost with RAM is to make sure you have plenty, then consider frequency. It really depends on your MB what you will be able to achive. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/memory-bandwidth-scaling-trinity,3419.html this should be helpful. Also note that for integrated graphics fast RAM does indeed help but for dedicated not so much.
"Supports DDR3 2400+(OC)/2133(OC)/1866/1600/1333/1066" Runs up to 1866 and to a max OC of 2400+ (Which is what the board is capable of not the RAM) and even with RAM that is ment to work above 2400 cross your fingers for stability. For this MB your RAM will most likely define the limit, and the top end won't be cheap.

Im buying 2133MHz.