WhAt gAmEs cAn i GeT On ThIs lApToP!!??

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I don't own the game, nor did I try it, but from what I've read and seen, all of them will run the "game" but won't make it playable/enjoyable. iGPUs are good for office activities and basic multimedia, but gaming is usually a no-no unless we're talking of pre-2004 games.

There really is no other way to say it. You won't be getting what you want unless you go for a dGPU and a decent CPU, be it a laptop or a desktop. You will run it below that mark, but it'll likely stutter and it'll only run at lowest settings (and considering it's a game that involves physics and particle effects, you really don't want that).

The price tag you're looking at is around the 700$ mark IMO, and that's for USD...
Running is a bit different than playing...
It's up to the OP to actually make that decision, but it's usually nice to be clear when it comes to that.

As we both already stated, games will run, but lowest settings at 800x600/1024x768 and 30 fps aren't exactly enjoyable 😛

He wants beamNG.drive to run, so a console is a no-no. The game is PC-only (correct me if I'm wrong).
It has an APU, not a CPU, but is better than the rest you posted. IMO, medium should run nicely, and perhaps even high (by tweaking some settings).

Mind you, as I already stated, I don't own the game, so I'm purely guessing at averages if it wasn't clear already.






Thier you go velo 3100, please find the best gaming laptop possible for under $600 please
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