Squidyboi :
I was going to get another graphics card soon with 4gb, will this increase performance?
Well depends on the GPU. NVdiia 'gaming' cards all end in x60, x70, x80 - if you were to get say a 1020 or 1050 (not TI) then you wouldn't get much improvement though they are 4GB cards. Further if you increase your GPU demand with a better GPU card, you will have to replace out the PowerSupply to meet the new card's demands as well.
Further then the issue becomes the CPU (Amd 10 7850K). These APUs were built to be cheap, low power, low demand answers for AMD in the marketspace, not meant for gaming http://www.pcgamer.com/amd-a10-7850k-kaveri-processor-review/ . While they can' be assisted (as you have right now) with a GPU, they become...