What games could i run with this? :P


Aug 16, 2014
Hello, so i was wondering what good games i could run on this laptop , I'm sorry if i post in the wrong category i'm new here so i don't really know much. So yeah here are my specs for my Windows 8.1 Laptop:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U , 1.80GHz x4
8GB Ram
2TB Hard disk

So here we go there's everything. I'm sorry for my bad English :/
nothing thats graphically intensive at all. to give you an estimate, when i boot up battlefield on my laptop and turn everything down low i get max 15 fps. thats with an I5 with the same integrated graphics.

if you want to play a game like dota/lol it should be able to handle that fine.

basically if the game looks graphically intensive at all youre going to struggle with intel integrated graphics
nothing thats graphically intensive at all. to give you an estimate, when i boot up battlefield on my laptop and turn everything down low i get max 15 fps. thats with an I5 with the same integrated graphics.

if you want to play a game like dota/lol it should be able to handle that fine.

basically if the game looks graphically intensive at all youre going to struggle with intel integrated graphics

Oh okey then thank you for telling me this , I don't know much about Graphics and though it was good but thx again :lol:
I don't know what you define as "good," but you might have to stay indie or browser-based.

If you like Newgrounds they have plenty of really fun flash games.

I'd recommend you make a 2GB RAMDisk (that you'd save to your HDD before shutdown,) and install Firefox on there. Modify the GUI to something you think looks nice and add some plugins like I've done for myself here:


If you haven't already you can make a Newgrounds account and play games with achievements.
Epic Battle Fantasy 3 is a good start.
Achievement Unlocked and Upgrade Complete are very time consuming.
I mean it's not quite that bad. You can do a good bit more than flash games with integrated graphics. I can run Skyrim over 30 fps on low settings fine. Gaming IS possible, it's just limited.

If you want, post the games you want to play and I can try to tell you if it will run

Well I'm still looking for a nice indie game or just some 2D style like Starbound you get my idea or something with survival like one of those zombie games tho they probably wont work for me so the games i would like to play now :
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2012
Reign of Kings ( I'ts a medieval survival game)
Crysis 2
Starcraft 2
Dead Space 3
Assassin's Creed
I'm just want to check them out and maybe play them for a little but i don't know if half of them will work I just don't want to get them and then be sad they don't work. And I'm still looking for a game that's something like multiplayer parkour something like that or just something with a big open world to explore.