What Gaming Looks Like on Google Glass

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yes, I would like to walk on the street yelling: PULL!!!!! .... BANG!! BANG!!! while tilting my head right and left and back and forth like I'm having constant neck issues
The only game I wouldn't mind playing on glass would be chess if you remember all the pieces and spaces. "Knight to D6", I can see this working but and a select few other games but for the most part gaming on this thing just sounds like a pain in the neck and will bound to make you look stupid.
I'm going to make a Google Glass game called, Sun Stare and you get points for every second you stare into the sun. You can then compete with other Glass users through a high-score leader board. Genius!
They really need to get the Kinect type technology to read the environment and make real AR games. Until then these won't really be very useful. I guess a game like Ingress could easily be made for Glass (I assume they are already doing this).
yes, I would like to walk on the street yelling: PULL!!!!! .... BANG!! BANG!!! while tilting my head right and left and back and forth like I'm having constant neck issues
THAT'S how you get arrested!
Yay, another excuse for glasstards to drive horridly while wearing google glass. I can just see myself getting T-boned by another car while they're playing "Angry Birds" on their glass.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/30/driving-with-google-glass-ticket-california_n_4177466.html
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