What GPU config should i upgrade to from 7870


Jan 8, 2013
hi, i have a powercolor radeon hd 7870 and on ultra 1080p bf3 i get about 30fps. bf3 and other high end games i like to play and i would like to get a minimum of 60fps. i have a job so money isnt really the problem except i wouldn't want to spend more than 850 bucks on a set of 2 gpu's.

either i get another 7870 and run it in xfirex
get a 7970 and later buy another one and run it in xfirex
or get a gtx 670 or 680 and later get another one.

which should i get because i heard that in some instances a 670 can out perform a 680 but a 7970 is better than both? read it a while back so i dont know if it is still like that. btw i have a phenom ii x6 1090t cpu OC at 4.2ghz so i dont think it will be bottlenecked by my cpu?? if any of those configs would bottleneck it please tell me.

i want to get a beast system because bf4 hopefully should come out end of this year of beginning of next year and crysis 3 i am into aswell.

which configuration will get me the most FPS for the best price.
is the 7970 better than the gtx 600 series or not. i heared that sli gtx 660 ti is better than a 690?? need help with this? if the 660 ti config is the case being better than a 690 than that would also be another choice?


Feb 12, 2013
Well you could get the GTX 690 which is better than the 7970, but if you want to save 400 -500 bucks go with the 7970, I have the 7970, and I can play crysis 3 on all max settings except the texture..works great on 'high' and the MSAA put to 2x.. with those 2 settings, you can max out crysis and get around 30 - 50 FPS, which is fine for me. For more FPS I just bump the settings down slightly, but to answer your question, don't crossfire, just get the best card you can get, the 7970 is perfect for your setup, but is better than the 680 GTX.. the 690 would be awesome, but not sure how that would perform on your system.. so go with the 7970!! :D


Jan 8, 2013
btw i have a 750 watt antec psu so i need to know if that will give enough power aswell for 2 cards + i have 16gb of vengence ram, 128 gb SSD + 1tb HDD and h40 liquid cooler. this is my motherboard:

and i have my ati card plugged into the first x16 slot but if i get an nvidia do i plug it into the same slot or the one beneath it with the spring clip? i have never had an nvidia card before.

the easiest way to gain frames to is limit the anti-aliasing level if you want performance at minimal graphic change. should always be the first option.