What GPU in 400$ Budget? 1060 6GB?


Jan 16, 2018
Hi guys, i was wondering which GPU should i buy, current spec :
i5 2500k @4.1
Corsair 850W
8GB Ram 1333
I will be upgrading currrent setup i think in 6 months from now on, been thinking about GTX 1060 3GB to lower the cost, but then i thought that i may buy GTX 1060 6GB and it will be okay with later setup, which will consist AMD Ryzen 5 2600 16gb ram, etc. in general will be decent to play on ultra in the future.

The 1060 6gb is a better option, but if your looking for a $400 card then just wait a bit GPU pricing on cards is starting to come back down so you might be able to get a 1070 if your lucky.

(EDIT) I just saw a GTX 1070 8gb founders edition card for 399.99 online at Best Buy, get it before its gone, I googled GTX 1070 MSRP and found it, good luck!

Ah, well that sucks. Still, higher end GPU's being sold at MSRP is a good thing, keep an eye out you can get a GTX 1070 for your budget. We actually expect GPU pricing to fall under MSRP since NVidia is launching new cards soon gamers want to wait for them, and miners aren't buying them so the price is going to dip pretty low.
of course lets say i will buy gtx 1060 6gb, which version/which manufacturer provides the best performance( guess it will be equal but worth to question this case) and second which will be the most silent? i thought about gigabyte windforce or msi g1, what are your bets guys?
Seeing as budget is your primary issue, I'd be less worried about performance or noise. Performance should all be roughly the same. It's the same chip, they are all mostly the same. OC'd models will do better of course, but we are talking tiny %. Noise can be a bigger difference between models, but again, you are more worried about budget. Get what you can, worry less about other things.
Generally spending extra money on quiet or OC'd models means you should spend in on the next chip up. In the past I've seen OC'd 1050TIs sell for as much as a 1060. Which is a bad deal, you are better off getting the 1060, not an OC'd 1050TI. I know there is a large price gap between the 1060 and the 1070 so $50 probably isn't enough to get you a 1070, but as long as there is a 3rd party cooler on it I'd just get the cheapest "best" 1060 you can. $50 in this case isn't going to do much.
yeah but when it comes to loudiness as i previously said, i can afford 50$ if it will let me "enjoy the silence" 😀 but to be honest there is an option like this https://www.x-kom.pl/p/323944-karta-graficzna-nvidia-msi-geforce-gtx-1060-armor-oc-v1-6gb-gddr5.html it costs around 350$ and there is previously mentioned https://www.x-kom.pl/p/317002-karta-graficzna-nvidia-msi-geforce-gtx-1060-gaming-x-6gb-gddr5.html that costs 433$ as you said, its not profitable to add extra 83$ in this case just to get more silent GPU, but well forget about this, will they both perform about same?
Loudness is probably rather similar. I didn't stop to check fan size or spin rate, but they are both dual fan heatsinks. The The one that costs more has an extra 50MHz on the core, and an extra 92MHz on the ram. So it's clocked slightly higher. That's 3% more, so at best it's 3% faster. Totally not worth it.


Here is a thread where Tom's tests several different models. Surprisingly the stock model is super quiet. I only checked a couple models, but they were all around 30-36dB which is very quiet. As far as noise goes I wouldn't worry about that with the 1060. It's a very cool running card so the fans don't need to be aggressive.
Roll a die, you'll get the same odds of being right. Prices, at least in the USA, have already come down a lot. We can find the RX 580 for $300. 1060s are ~$250 for the 3GB model, and $300 for the 6GB model. The 580 used to go for twice that, and the 3GB 1060s could be found for $350+. They aren't quite at MSRP, but they are rather close now. With new cards coming this is probably the best time to get one. At least over here. I'm not familiar with pricing patterns in Poland.

I guess ill wait until end of june and maybe i will save some money