What gpu will work best in my pc? Money is no problem.


Mar 5, 2013
So i'm looking for what gpu will work best in my pc. (title)

I'm not very educated in picking out parts for pcs hence the reason why i'm here.

I'm looking to buy very soon, within the next week or so.

Currently I have an ATI Radeon HD 5570 in my HP Pavilion Elite HPE-410f and would like to upgrade to the amd radeon hd 7970, but I don't know if it would be compatible with my pc. I also have a 300 watt power supply, 8gb of ram, 1tb of hd space, a monitor resolution of 1600x900 and an AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1045T Processor (6 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

I'm looking for something specifically for gaming. And for games such as arma2 and 3, crysis 3, and battlefield 3. I need a high quality card that can run these games with good fps. Basically any card that will allow me to run these games on higher settings and get me better fps, because currently playing these games is very difficult with my card.

Any help would be appreciated 😀

You need a new PSU, proably ~600W to run a 7970, and I doubt that case will fit the 7970 anyway (it's a fairly large card).
Haven't looked into the CPU, but it will probably bottleneck you in CPU intensive games like Crysis 3 and BF3 multiplayer.
I'm also wondering which motherboard is in that computer.. If money truly isn't an issue, I'd just buy a components for a new rig and only keep the HDD.
take one HD7850 or 7870 or GTX660 or GTX 660TI. You certainly need a new PSU. Just take one good 500w (80plus certified). 500w is sufficient to run everything you have and will give you a good safe margin to some futures upgrades. If you OC your CPU to 3.2Ghz i think it wont bottleneck you.

So what 500 watt psu would be compatible with my system?

I believe my computer has a N-Alvorix-RS880-uATX motherboard.